23 December 2010


For one of our CAS components, we needed to be creative. And for this, Hazel our form tutor had the brilliant idea (much to our horror) of making us go to the college choir for 3 weeks. Yay. :/ The songs we had to sing were called 'Gaudete', 'The Holly and the Ivy' and 'Away in a Manger'.

Gaudete just means 'rejoice' in Latin and is a Christmas carol sung completely in Latin.

 The version of 'The Holly and the Ivy' that we sung was the American version so the whole tune was different to the more traditional British version.

The version of 'Away in a Manger' was the traditional one so we had no difficulty in learning the words.
After the three weeks of choir, there was going to be a concert at the St Mark's church in Marple somewhere. But unfortunately I was unable to attend due to other commitments :/

Oh wells at least I have done something creative :)

Til next time :)