On Friday 4th March I went to the Joseph Chamberlain Sixth Form College in Birmingham to be part of the first ever sixth form college Model United Nations conference. The country we were representing was Poland and the Cheadle delegation was representing Australia.
As soon as we arrived preliminary lobbying began between the different delegations. As I was only part of the support team I could only sit around and do nothing..
The second day was only slightly better as I got to do a bit more than just sitting around. I was able to assist in 'secretary' style jobs such as printing and researching resolutions which made me want to be a delegate in the next Model United Nations conference. Later I was allowed to join in with one of the debates. The debate I joined was about the further insurance of rights regarding disabled persons in the human rights category. Even though I was only a support team I sneakily joined in with debating hehe :) The Polish delegate Rozzy sucessfully got her resolution approved which was brilliant as nearly everyones resolutions from both delegations were approved to go onto the general debate stage.
On the third and last day, it was the final stage of the conference. This was the general debate stage where approved resolutions from the second stage were debated. There was nothing we could do so we just sat and obsevered. The only exciting thing was that Lyle's resolution from the Polish delegation about disarmament in the Korean Penninsula resulted in a tie but was passed by the commitee. :)
At the end of the weekend, I did feel a bit upset that I had done nothing much but it was a good experience and I got a logo'd mug :)
Til the next time :)